Jill Cantor-Lee
Jill Cantor-Lee Jill Cantor-Lee
  • The organization
  • The beneficiaries
  • The programs
  • A Horse for humanity
  • Ride for humanity
  • Teach for humanity
  • How to Make a Pledge

The organization:

Horses for Humanity is a grass roots organization with the mission of using the art of dressage, the beauty of horses, and the thrill of competition to raise money for women and children in need. The goal is to gather people in the horse world together, so that they may use their collective talents and resources to help others. It's about helping others, not by sacrificing, but by celebrating our strengths. It's about being as good as we can be in order to serve others. And, it's about acknowledging how completely blessed we are to have such magnificent creatures in our lives and remembering, as we go through the ups and downs of our own individual horse journeys, that in the big picture, we are so incredibly privileged.

Horses for Humanity was conceived of by Jill Cantor-Lee as a marriage between her two seemingly unrelated passions: international aid work and international level dressage competition. Cantor-Lee, a former Aid worker in Africa turned FEI rider, started Horses for Humanity while searching for a reason bigger than herself to keep competing in dressage. After watching an Oprah show about the extraordinarily powerful non-profit organization, Women for Women International, she knew she had found her reason: raising money for women and children survivors of war through the use of her talents in training and competition.


The beneficiaries:

All proceeds from Horses for Humanity go to Women for Women International . Woman for Women International is an apolitical organization with an impeccable track record and a four star charity rating. It helps women survivors of war around the world by providing rape counseling, medical care, skills training, rights training and small- scale business loans.

A Horse for humanity:

The first program, 'A Horse for Humanity' entails the contribution, training, and selling of a dressage horse for the designated charitable purposes. Logan, the first “Horsefor Humanity,” is owned by Cory Walkey of Topanga California. Logan has been placed in Cantor Lee’s care for training, competition and marketing. As an extraordinarily talented 11- year-old Danish gelding, Logan is In training to become a competitive FEI horse. When he is sold, all profits from his sale will be given to Women for Women International.

In order to maximize profits, and to achieve the goal of making 'A Horse for Humanity' a community and awareness-building project, top equestrian professionals have enlisted to donate goods and services. For example, Cantor-Lee is donating all of her time, training and commissions. (She also has a personal sponsor who is covering a significant amount of the competition and care cost.) The farrier, saddle maker, vet, vet acupuncturist and chiropractor, horse transporter, masseurs and local tack store, are all likewise committed to the cause and eagerly pitching in. Cantor-Lee will be talking to equine insurance companies, public relations firms and the major trade magazines in the weeks to come.

The beneficiaries:

All proceeds from Horses for Humanity go to Women for Women International . Woman for Women International is an apolitical organization with an impeccable track record and a four star charity rating. It helps women survivors of war around the world by providing rape counseling, medical care, skills training, rights training and small- scale business loans.

Ride for humanity:

The second program is called 'Ride for Humanity.' Dressage riders are asked to collect pledges for their competitions, similar to those collected in walk-a-thons and other fundraising athletic functions.

Pledged donations will go directly to Women for Women International. Cantor- Lee and other riders will request donations based upon the percentage points earned while competing. (Logan and Cantor-Lee have already collected over $3,000 worth of pledges at their first three shows in Colorado this season). Because all riders collecting pledges will do so based on the percentage points they earn, they can’t lose. Just by showing up, they will be doing something valuable.

Teach for humanity:

In the 'Teach for Humanity' program, talented professionals are engaged to teach clinics and workshops from which all proceeds go to the listed charities. In February of ‘o8, Cantor-Lee and Rachel Saavedra, a USDF Certified Instructor, faculty member and FEI rider, donated two days of collaborative teaching. Together with Cantor-Lee, Racheal conducted a fun and highly informative workshop at Cantor- Lee’s home base, Sextant Farms in Longmont, CO. Professionals and amateurs throughout the Front Range dressage community attended the interactive forum sharing ideas, experiences and a wonderful learning opportunity. ($2500.00 was raised for Women for Women International).


Dear Supporter,

If you would like to make a pledge on Logan, A Horse for Humanity, this is how it works. You can pledge any amount of money for each percentage point Logan earns at upcoming shows. Our schedule of shows and classes entered will be posted here. You may choose to pledge on any number of classes you desire at any show. Usually we do two classes per day. A good score is %65-%75. Scores will be rounded up so a 68.9 will be considered a 69. So if you were to pledge $1.00/ percentage point earned that could amount to $140-$300 over the course of a weekend. Even .10/point is great. Also, feel free to be creative and give bonus donations for outstanding performance resulting in High Point awards, Year-end awards, championships, scores over %70, etc. If you could let me know beforehand, that would be best. I will email you all with our scores after the show, and they will be posted here as well. I ask that checks be made out to Women for Women International, but sent to Jill Cantor Lee at 1111 Fairfield Avenue, Windsor, Co. 80550.

Jill Cantor Lee


High Prairie Dressage June 6-8 Pledges-$500  
Autumn Hill Dressage June 28-29 Pledges-$272 scores: 70, 69, 68, and 67
Cheyenne Dressage August 2,3 Pledges-$2376 scores: 68, 68, 69, and 71
RMDS Championships Sept. 26-28 Pledges-$310 scores: 60, 67, 64

Total earnings from clinics and pledges as of October 2008: $5,958.00

Thank you to all our supporters and sponsors including:
Cory Walkey
Carol Daly
Custom Saddles
Dr. Pam Muhonen D.V.M.
Boulder Valley Vet
Sue Rynhardt
Rachel Saavedra
Shannon Peters
The Horse Connection Magazine
Quality Horse Transport

Jill Cantor-Lee